Apr 05, 2012 Hey all; Today ı tried to play on my traktor pro 2 without connecting anything.I just wanna use the built in speakers.But the problem is ı ope the traktor and it says no sound:( I dont want to plug anything or headphones or mixer or controller.I just wanna play it built in but ı cant.Please help me. Traktor Audio 2 Mk2. I bought this sound card to replace my NI Audio Kontrol 1. I needed a new i/o fr DJing, and didn't necessarily need all the ins and outs needed for studio use. This little sound card packs a punch for a great price! Solid construction, Hi-Q sound, and amazingly small package all makes for an easy and dependable set up. May 15, 2014 The video above shows a solution for setting up The Numark Mixtrack Pro and and allowing the Cue feature to play out of external headphones.
Related informations :
- KB : 1967
- Language : EN
- Date : 2017-04-11
- Category : HOWTO
If your DJ controller has a built-in audio interface:
- Connect your speakers to the DJ controller's Master output, or output 1-2 (not to the computer's audio output).
- Connect your headphones to the headphones output on the DJ controller.
- In Traktor's Preferences options (macOS: Traktor > Preferences / Windows: Files > Preferences), go to Audio Setup and make sure that your DJ controller is selected as the Audio Device.
- Go to Output Routing, and make sure that:

No Sound In Headphones Windows Xp
- The Mixing Mode is set to Internal.

- The Output Monitor is assigned to channels 3 and 4.
- The Output Master is assigned to channels 1 and 2.